Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Grilled Turmeric Chicken (recipe)

Light crispy skin, salty and slightly sweet with honey, this chicken wing dish goes down a treat with children, and is simple enough for even the most stressed and harried mums to prepare.

As mentioned in the previous post, the two adults of the family had char kuey teow for dinner. Which meant that the fussy little one (what, I am allowed to call a spade a spade, I'm his mum!) had to have separate dinner arrangements. Since char kuey teow involved a lot of preparation and required the use of the wok I opted for a really simple, easy, brainless, and low maintenance recipe - grilled turmeric chicken wings.

Grilled Turmeric Chicken (Wings)

[for 500 g chicken wings]

1 1/2 tsp turmeric 
3/4 tsp salt (maximum! don't put any more than this!)
1 tsp honey
1 tbsp cooking oil 
3 tbsp corn flour

Marinade the chicken wings with the above ingredients for at least 15 minutes while you preheat the grill (unless like me you own a flame grill, in which case no preheating is necessary).
Put the chicken on a foil-lined grill pan and grill for 20-25 minutes, turning once every 7 minutes or so to avoid burning the honey. Skin side up first, then turn, then finish with skin side up again to dry and crisp the skin)
Serve hot.

Some extra tidbits -
Feel free to substitute the chicken wings with chicken fillets (I never use breastmeat, but if you are using thigh and drumstick fillets extend the cooking time to 25-30 minutes).
Do not marinade the chicken in a PLASTIC bowl, not unless you like fluorescent yellow. Likewise do not use your hands to marinade the chicken, and don't do it while wearing your best clothes, as turmeric stains don't come off easily.
Eat while hot for optimum crispiness!
Theoretically this dish can be done in an oven, although I've never tried it. May experiment one day with an oven and let you know how it goes. I hypothesize that in order to get the skin really crispy a baking rack as well higher oven temperatures will be needed, presumably gas mark 7-8. If any of you dear readers do decide to try it let me know how it goes.

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